there are 1000 ways to grow.
here’s one of them.
tent design
This is a 27” x 27” tent that I’ve converted for drain to waste. I find that 5 weeks in this tent is sufficient but with additional training, I’ve stretched to 7 when needed.
veg tent
A maximized 4x4 tent can produce more than most average consumers can get through in a year…in ONE run. Let me show you how simple this actually is.
flower tent
Made a few of these now to make drain to waste more livable. I loved the style of growing but hated having to siphon off water from collectors. This requires a bit of DIY but it’s simple stuff, really.
drain to waste stand
nutrition and fertigation
benefits of coco coir
It’s sustainable, easily obtainable, and quickly drainable. Coco gives the perfect ratio of water to air. It’s an inert medium so it won’t hold onto or impart any nutrition to the roots. That means coco gives us total control at the root level...
LINK to coco blog post
drain to waste systems
In a drain to waste system, we are overwatering our pot’s capacity for liquid to the tune of 20% or so. This ensure that we replenish the pots with full range nutrition at the correct pH every day. This leads to massive growth akin to deep water culture…
LINK to drain to waste post
base with a pk boost
You’ve heard of the KISS principle? Keep It Simple Stoner! You have hundreds of options out there and they all, for the most part, work fine. In order to make my garden life more manageable, I’ve simplified and I use a 1-part dry nutrient...
Link to Nutrient regimen